
11 Rules for Survival Prepping

Focus on the needs of the people in your group: you, your family, and your trusted inner circle. Build your sustainability around their long-term needs, in line with what you need today. Practice preparedness without

Over 100,000 Pages of Free Survival eBooks & PDFs (and video)

Clean, easy-to-find links to exactly what we’re looking for are starting to become harder and harder. We hope that these efforts in preserving the organization and collection of humankind’s knowledge on the Internet remain easy and accessible to

Where are the Best Places to Hide During Martial Law?

If governments feel the need, martial law is an option for them to employ in order to maintain law and order and control. Few people fully understand martial law and what it could

100 Ways to Use Bamboo Leaves

Bamboo leaves have a plentiful combination of chemical compounds. As an excellent source of curative drugs for clinical and physiological treatment, humans and livestock benefit from eating bamboo leaves. In…

Bamboo, The Survival Plant of the Survivalist

Bamboo has to be one of the greatest plants known to humankind. Combined with its incredible growth rate and multiple uses for almost every purpose around the house, welcome to Bamboo 101.

FEMA Is Preparing for a Solar Storm That Would Take Out the Grid

“Telegraph operators around the globe reported intense currents on telegraph lines, some so strong that operators disconnected their batteries and sent messages using “auroral current”.
Other operators reported electrical sparking, shocks, and even fires.”

An Ultimate SHTF Prepper Supply List [Updated 2023]

A 2022-updated prepper supply list complete with where to get them and why they’re important for

Does Spam Go Bad? All You Need To Know About Its Shelf Life And Expiration

Spam, one of mankind’s greatest creations. Does it go bad? Let’s find out.

The Prepping Items You Forgot?

What are items you haven’t seen mentioned on most prepper

How to Start Prepping for Beginners

How to start prepping? Where to start prepping? What to prep? These are all weighty
