In the event that your emergency survival scenario extends over days or weeks, you’ll need to know how to find and catch food in order to survive.
Water and food supply are much more important than food acquisition on a survival skills checklist. Why? Man may survive for weeks without eating, but he can quickly perish without water or shelter.
However, even if no one comes for months or years, you may not be able to sustain yourself indefinitely in the wild. Perhaps society has broken down, or a disease has compelled you to flee from society.
Whatever the circumstances, if you must live for weeks in nature, you’ll need food to sustain yourself. Find and capture food to keep yourself alive. There are many methods to accomplish this, each with its own set of pros and drawbacks.
Here are some techniques for obtaining food in the wild, as long as you have or can create the proper tools:
Hunting and Foraging For Food
Hunting Game
You can use a spear to pierce small game and fish if you have the ability to sharpen a long sturdy stick into a weapon.
The advantage to this technique is that it only requires a little bit of handiwork to make a stick sharp enough to penetrate the body of a small animal, but you can squander an awful lot of energy in your efforts.
The larger the animal, the higher the danger of harm and death. The Wooded Beardsman has produced a great video on hunting and consuming ONLY WILD FOODS. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
​There are a variety of tiny survival traps you can make with the materials you have on you and whatever you find around you. While constructing a trap and employing it to capture food takes time and skill, it will also save far more calories than hunting for food actively.
All you have to do now is rig up your fishing line with bait if possible and wait for a catch. Just be aware that other larger predators, such as sharks, will frequent areas with an overabundance of fish.
You won’t get the same tangible benefits from consuming local plants that you would from eating meat, but you will be expending a similar amount of energy collecting it. You’ll probably be surprised by how many different types and quantities of vegetation there are to eat in some areas.
However, there are exceptions to every rule, and the same can be said for mushrooms. As a general guideline, you should stay away from anything that appears or is known to be poisonous – such as mushrooms. Before you go on a long-term excursion, familiarize yourself with the local flora.